Learning about blessing prayers has already begun to transform my prayer life! - Knoxville, TN
’Powerful’ is a good word to begin with, because my experience of the weekend was just that – Powerful! – Saluda, NC
Coming from a background where I was uncertain to whether God still heals today, I can now say with certainty that He does. Thank you for helping me heal and for equipping me with tools to be a more effective prayer minister and disciple of Christ! – Mars Hill, NC
I experienced the unconditional love of Jesus while at The Blessing Place. Thank you, Jesus, and thank you to my prayer team!
- Norcross, GA
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Shirley (Honey) Mustard on 02-17-2025 at 5:09 PM
My husband Tom, a retired minister, was recently in the hospital. On the day he was checking out to go home, a lovely young woman who was the hospital chaplain came by to visit with him. I enjoyed listening to her as she ministered to him. Ministers need ministering to themselves and especially in times of illness. As they talked, he shared with her how we were trained to pray Blessing Prayers over others. I then spoke up and shared with her that I pray Blessing Prayers over Tom’s medications. She asked me if I would demonstrate such a prayer for her. We bowed our heads and I said the Blessing over the medications Tom had been given that morning. A friend of ours has made credit-card sized little cloths with a cross embroidered on it. We give them to those we pray Blessing Prayers over as a reminder of God’s love for them. I always carry an extra one or two of those mini prayer cloths in my purse. I gave it to her as a way of saying thank you for visiting Tom. While standing there with her and just before it appeared she was leaving the room I felt an inner voice saying, “Ask her is she would like for me to pray a Blessing Prayer over her.” I mustered up my courage and asked her if she would like me to pray for her. She agreed. I placed my hands over her, listened for the Spirit to tell me what she needed. I prayer for her to be blessed with peaceful sleep at night after facing such difficult stories with patients who are gravely ill or alone. I prayed for her to be blessed with encouraging words and scripture to share. I prayed for her to be blessed with good health and a hedge of protection as she enters a sick room. I pray for her to be blessed with joy every day. I felt her body relax and after the Amen, we hugged and she was on her way. I was overwhelmed with the ministry she had given to us with her presence and how God gave me a nudge to offer her a Blessing Prayer. Ministers need ministered to also.
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