
2025 Event Schedule

Thursday, January 23, Online Prayer Service
Thursday, February 20, Online Prayer Service
Thursday, March 27, Online Prayer Service
Thursday, April 24, Online Prayer Service
Fri-Sun, May 16-18, Hybrid event "Called to Bless: A Way of Life" at High Pastures Retreat Center (HPRC) and on Zoom
Thursday, June 26, Online Prayer Service
Thursday, July 24, Online Prayer Service
Fri-Sun, August 15-17, Hybrid event at HPRC

Thursday, September 18, Online Prayer Service
Thursday, October 23, Online Prayer Service
November – No prayer service or event
Fri-Sun, December 5-7, Advent Retreat - Hybrid event at HPRC

Please find registration for the current event below.

2025 Online Prayer Service (OPS) Schedule
(There are NO REGISTRATION FEES for our Online Prayer Services)

Times:  7:00 pm - 8:30 pm ET

Thursday, January 23
Thursday, February 20
Thursday, March 27
Thursday, April 24
Thursday, June 26
Thursday, July 24
Thursday, September 18
Thursday, October 23
November – No prayer service or event

Please find registration for the current event below.

Next Online Prayer Service:

Thursday, March 27, 2025
7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT

Save the Date March 27 OPS

Register Now Button


What to Expect

Here is what you can expect:

  • 7:00 Worship music for about 15-20 minutes
  • Scripture Reflection for about 20 minutes which will include a suggestion for a prayer focus
  • Small prayer groups in breakout rooms with about 5 participants, including a facilitator, per room for about 40 minutes. Participants may share a prayer need and/or pray blessings* for others but there is no pressure to do either.
  • There is a format for the small group prayer time which will look very much like this:

Facilitator opens up with a prayer
Everyone spends some quiet time listening to the Holy Spirit
Anyone may share a prayer need (no pressure to do so)
Everyone may have a turn of praying blessings* for that person (no pressure to do so)
→ Another time of listening to the Holy Spirit and then sharing and blessing until everyone who wants to has had an opportunity to share and receive blessings.

The service ends at 8:30, but anyone who would like to can stay and share or listen to participants testify of what the Lord did for them during the small prayer group time. 

*Praying blessings is simply saying something like, “In the name of Jesus, I bless you…” with what you believe the Holy Spirit is telling you that God wants for that person.

Many people receive from the Lord all that they came seeking through the prayers in the small groups. However, If you would like individual prayer ministry via Zoom, we recommend our affiliate (OSL)  Online Prayer Center at


The Blessing Place Logo
Training Offered

Blessing Prayers
The Basics to Healing Ministry
Healing Hurts of the Past
Generational Healing
Surrendering to Abba's Love