James Snook

Marketing Coordinator/Technology Assistant

James Snook

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James is the son, grandson, great grandson, and great great grandson of many ordained Snook ministers. Raised in Assemblies of God and Non-Denominational churches, spanning Lansing, MI and Granite Falls, WA, James now calls Fairview, NC and Covenant Community UMC his home. God speaks to James in nature, art, music, study, human interaction, and exploration.

To state an overused cliche, James likes to think he's a "jack of all trades, master of none," with a willingness to pursue almost any adventure. Always in "sponge-mode," James is constantly absorbing information, looking to solve problems, seeking counseling and guidance from the Holy Spirit, tinkering, studying, practicing, and helping others. 

Mr. Snook has been married to his wife, Amanda, for over 15 years and they share three daughters, ages 9, 13, and 14. He serves as Lay Leader, on the Board of Trustees, as Hospitality Director, Worship Committee member, and former Interim Youth Pastor at Covenant in Asheville, NC. James also volunteers in Missions, Children's, Car Care, and Prayer Team ministries. James is attending OSL meetings and considering membership as part of growing in his relationship with Jesus Christ and following God's direction into full time ministry.