Background Information on Rev. John Rice
Ordained an Episcopal priest in 1988, John has served
churches in northern Vermont and western North Carolina. His
call to healing ministry began the week of his ordination when
his mother was diagnosed with acute leukemia. This led to a
yearlong exploration centered on the question, “Does Jesus
heal today?” Thus began a journey of praying for and equipping
others for healing prayer ministry that continues to this day and
In 2012, John left parish ministry in response to God’s
call to focus more of his time and energy on Jesus’ healing
ministry. His new job description? - “to encourage, equip, and
empower God’s people for Jesus’ healing ministry”. John has
taught and spoken at healing conferences in Canada, New
Zealand, India and in churches throughout the U.S.
In 2014, John felt the Spirit’s leading to create a DVD
teaching series, “Equipping the Saints for Jesus’ Healing
Ministry” for use in churches, small groups, and OSL Healing
Communities. The teachings in these workshops are rooted in
scripture, focused on Jesus, and empowered by the Spirit.
John and his wife, Debra, moved to Burnsville, North
Carolina in 2016 where the Lord opened a door to help start a
new healing ministry, The Blessing Place of Western, North
Carolina. The vision for this exciting and growing ministry is
“Restore God’s Blessing Ministry od Blessing in Jesus’ Name.”
Two beautiful granddaughters, growing cut flowers, and a little
fishing keep him well occupied when home
Equipping the Saints For Jesus’ Healing Ministry
A DVD Teaching Series created to:
» ENCOURAGE (educate)
» EQUIP (train)
» EMPOWER (Holy Spirit in-filling)
Potential Uses
» Sunday School classes
» Adult Education Forums
» Small Group Ministry
» OSL Healing Communities
Presented by Rev. John Rice
Hands for Healing Ministries & The Blessing Place of Western N.C.
“The Basics of Healing Prayer Ministry”
(Workshop 1)
“Does Jesus Heal Today?” (20 min.)
“The Good News of Jesus’ Healing Ministry” (53 min.)
“The Importance of Listening in Healing Prayer” (43 min.)
“Some Principles of Healing Prayer” (20 min.)
“Testimony: The Healing Power of Prayer” (13 min.)
“Soaking Prayer: the Blending of Spirit & Silence” (30 min.)
“Healing The Hurts of the Past”
(Workshop 2)
“Healing the Hurts of the Past – An Overview” (43 min.)
“The Healing Power of Forgiveness” (45 min.)
“The Four-Way Forgiveness Prayer” (25 min.)
“Key Steps to Healing Past Hurts through Prayer” (40 min.)
“A Prayer Exercise for Inner Healing” (28 min.)
“Healing Our Family Legacy”
(Workshop 3)
“God’s Desire to Heal Our Family Legacy” (40 min.)
“Representational Confession” (32 min.)
“A Story of Representational Confession” (10 min.)
“Preparing the Family Tree Form”
“Generational Healing Service with Holy Communion” (30 min.)
“Surrendering to Abba’s Love”
(Workshop 4)
“Surrendering to Abba’s Love: Sending Blessing Prayers” (31 min.)
“Surrendering Our Cold Love to Abba” (36 min.)
“Surrendering Our Fears to Abba’s Love” (43 min.)
“Surrendering to Abba’s Love: Choosing to Forgive” (27 min.)
“Praying As Jesus Taught His Disciples”
(Workshop 5)
“The Lord’s Prayer – A Powerful Healing Prayer (16 min.)
“The Lord’s Prayer & Persistence” (18 min.)
“Praying with Power & Authority) (16 min.)
“Prayer of Command Used by Jesus & Disciples” (36 min.)
“Called to Bless – God’s Ministry of Blessing” (50 min.)
➢ Plus $5 for shipping costs
Hosting Equipping the Saints Workshop
Hosted By Churches, OSL healing communities, and other
groups interested in Christian healing ministry
Scheduling These workshops are usually scheduled on a
Friday evening and Saturday (9 to 3:00). Churches and OSL
Chapters have the option to select a Saturday only date. (Rev.
Rice is often available to preach and/or teach a class on the
Sunday of the workshop weekend.)
Costs All travel expenses are paid by the host group. In
addition, the host group is asked to take a Love Offering during
the workshop in lieu of an honorarium. (Please note that the
Love Offering is not used to cover travel expenses.)
Contact “Equipping the Saints for Jesus’ Healing
Ministry” workshops can be scheduled by contacting the Rev.
John Rice directly by phone (828-371-7281) or by email